VSCode Intellisense fix extension 1.5.0

(Updated April 15rd, 2021)
This will fix UE 4.25.* and 4.26.1+

1.5.0 Update:

  • Fixed Regex to read 4.26.2 cl.exe flags in response files was fixed. (In 4.26.2, cl flags use ‘/’ instead of ‘-’)
  • Fixed New Source/Header fix for projects that build multiple modules. You can now select the response file for new files.
  • Fixed UE4 workspace optimization now works with projects that build multiple modules.
  • Removed the invalid Intellisense preinclude path fix since it couldn’t encompass every single scenario
    • Added additional warning/info message for invalid Intellisense preinclude paths
  • Added additional warnings messaging when adding new header/source files
  • Added error message if response file contains only the word undefined

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