Hi all, since I updated Unreal Engine to version 4.25 VS Code is having some problems finding the necessary includes. At least this affects the intellisense and therefore you probably wont get all possible IDE hints you should get.
If your error looks like this
(Sorry for the german part there).
If your error also shows “UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORM/UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORMPlatformCompilerPreSetup.h”
you might have the same error as me since this seems to be a bug in UE version 4.25.
You can check the issue tracker here
UE issue tracker
As you can see this issue seems to be already fixed and the fix should be shipped in UE Version 4.26
As for now I was able to fix the issue by mself by following what the first answer on the answerhub suggested
UE answerhub
Open Visual Studio Code and open the file /.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
When scrolling down (after the huge list of includePath) you should see an empty array for defines
I basically went to the c_cpp_properties.json file of the building escape project and copied all entries in this files defines and pasted it into the defines of the simpleshooter project. Now replace the “BUILDING_ESCAPE” in the last two lines of the defines array with “SIMPLESHOOTER” and restart visual studio code.
Now the includes error should be gone
If you now get this error on your PlayerInputComponent
Add this include
#include "Components/InputComponent.h"