VSC Error: Make sure the .NET Core SDK is installed and is on the path

Hello I’ve been having this issue from the beginning. Because of this I have been coding without any snippets for all this time, but now it’s getting a little frustrating.

I posted this originally on this thread here:

Nothing Nina suggested worked, but after some digging I found this potential solution:

From c# - The .NET Core SDK cannot be located. .NET Core debugging will not be enabled. Make sure the .NET Core SDK is installed and is on the path - Stack Overflow

I’m on a MAC (High Sierra), and closing VSC and reinstalling SDK did not help in my case.

VSC kept saying that SDK was “not installed or not on the path”. When I ran dotnet in the Terminal window I received “command not found” message.

I had to manually add /usr/local/share/dotnet to PATH in my ~/.bash_profile.

Correct path is displayed once SDK is installed (see picture below). I appended it to the PATH in my ~/.bash_profile, reopened Terminal, and it worked. You may have to reload VSC too.

Good luck!

However, I do not know what he means by "manually add"ing that link or command to the .bash_profile. How do I do this? Can anyone help me?


Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Did the following thread help?

If nothing helps, please install and use Visual Studio (Community Edition). For some students, VS Code simply does not work well. Maybe due to a problem with Unity, some update or whatever.

  1. Download VS and follow this instruction.
  2. Select VS as your External Script Editor in Unity (Edit > Preferences > External Tools).
  3. Install the “Visual Studio Editor” package in the Package Manager.

That should work.

Sort of but not really. I have no idea what they are talking about. Is this what I’m supposed to do?

Well, it seems you edited the path. I just answered your question:

However, I do not know what he means by "manually add"ing that link or command to the .bash_profile. How do I do this?

However, since I do not own a Mac myself, I cannot help you with this further. Please feel free to ask our helpful community of students over on our Discord chat server.

Did you download the MONO Framework as suggested on the official VS Code website?

Is there anyone else on your team that has a Mac an understands how to solve this issue?

I have downloaded and reinstalled VSC about 4 times now, and yes I have downloaded and reinstalled the mono framework like 3 times, and I have downloaded and reinstalled the .Net Core SDK also 3 times.

I solved this myself. To anyone who is using a Mac:

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