VS Code Extension Support- What is the best extension for Unreal Engine 5?

Hello mates,

I try to follow the professor while he is using extension support on VS Code to see details of the code, as in pictures below, but I simply can’t.

Any suggestions of how to configure VS Code 2022 for better understanding of the course and best use of code support/help?

This the part in the course I am referring to, as an example:

Screenshot 2023-10-06 105938

These are screenshots from my VsCode:

Thank you guys in advance!

You should only need the C/C++ extension.

Did you do Tools > Refresh VS Code project within Unreal after you added the projectile class? You need to do that whenever you add new files to the project.

Oh, I didn’t refresh the project, that cover most of it I would say. Thanks a lot.
Regarding the suggestions the extension might give, is the instructor using any particular extension you would recommend us?
For instance, now that I refreshed the project, this is the suggestion I receive:

Once again, thanks kindly for the support and quick reply!

There’s the snippets extension the course mentions, but that’s about it.

Ok, I see.
Once again, thanks a lot.

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