Vs Code does not recognize unreal classes and doesnt find included files

Did you do Tools > Refresh VS Code Project?

Yes, i have tried that but it didnt work it still giving me the same errors

Could you show the output of the C/C++ extension?

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Do you not have the C/C++ extension installed?

Yes But it seems that it does not recognize it

Could you try removing all extensions and then reinstalling only the C/C++ extension?

i have done that but it seems that the problem persist

theres any solution to the problem?

I don’t know. I just had the issue of not having an output for C/C++ and was fixed by changing the log level to Debug and back. If you do that do you get it back? If so what does it say?

yes that worked, Now the ouput c++ appears but i dont know how to solve the errors

Could you change the log level back to error and show what the output is?

when i change the log level to error the c/c++ does not appear in the output

Did you keep the output window open when you switched?

this is what it says when i changed, the output is in spanish if you dont know what it says you could use the traductor

Could you post that as text so I could do that, please?

logging level: se cambio a error
$/set trace
Motor de Intellisense = Default
El Coloreado mejorado esta habilitado
El subrayado de ondulado de errores esta Deshabilitado
La Caracteristica autocompletar esta habilitada

Unfortunately that doesn’t really say anything’s wrong.

Could you show the contents of the following files

  • c_cpp_properties.json
  • Building_escapeX.code-workspace
  • xxx_compileCommands.json

here they are, also i think the main problem is that CoreMinimal.h is not found,

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