VR and code Goals


  1. My VR goals are to learn about VR using UE4 and code. I am a visual arty person without a hand in maths or code so I want to challenge myself to learn and know more and have something to show for it at the end of the course.
  2. The biggest challenge for me will be to stay focused and not get distracted by other sweets in life. The second will be to have patience to solve problems. To be honest I plan 30 mins of every other day because I want to make it easier to commit to.
  3. I have a low poly project I started that I would like to take further.
  4. The HTC Vive is what I have.
  5. First of all it is most important that I finish the course and have confidence to continue to code. Then I would love to implement lots of interactivity in a 5 min slice of my project build and be able to share it. I am keen to see how others progress as well.

Hey PF, welcome. What sort of VR apps are you into? For me google earthVR where it’s at right now. -JN

Hi Jorgen_Nelson. I haven’t checked out VR with Google Earth yet but it is a very good idea for looksies. It’s great how VR opens up the real world and nature to everyone. Even more for those who otherwise may not be able to experience places in real life.
My low Poly world is a small colourful enclosed environment. Your mission is to rescue the ducks from the antics of the squirrels.
I better get started on this course because I am the tortoise. :blush:

Looks like I have to go and start the fundementals course because of my results from the test. I will make more time to align the two courses so I can get the quality results with Unreal VR.

Yes, I’m very excited about the therapeutic possibilities for VR. For people stuck in hospital beds or otherwise immobilized it could prove to be quite liberating. The views from various mountain tops around the world are amazing! I’d be interested in checking out your app when you’re ready to share it.

Jorgen_Nelson if VR can help those immobile imagine their quality of life and how much that could improve. I have seen an orb used as a game controller at uni for those without the ability to use their own hands and fingers. Your app sounds very positive. Dreamy. I wish you well with it. My WIP has many iterations to go. One step at a time.

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