Visual Studio not suggesting anything Unity related

So I am writing the SceneLoader Script in Visual Studio. But VS does not seem to recognise any Unity Commands, in the sense that there are NO unity suggestions at all, only C# suggestions, I can naturally write out the code without the VS Suggestions, and that IS accepted by VS, as in there are no reported errors.

For example when I write us VS suggests using, but when I proceed to write UnityEngine.SceneManagement there are no suggestions from VS, I have to write everything.

When I go back to Unity and add the SceneLoader.cs to the Start Button, I can select MonoScript > string name. Where its literally only offering “string name” and No other options.

I have tried on my Laptop and get the exact same behaviour.

I have uninstalled and then reinstalled the “Game development with Unity” workload in VS, but that did not help.

Unity Version 2019.3.15f1
VS Version 16.6.1

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class SceneLoader : MonoBehaviour
    public void LoadNextScene()

        int currentSceneIndex = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
        SceneManager.LoadScene(currentSceneIndex + 1);

Hi Karsten,

Please watch lecture “Fixing Visual Studio Problems” (currently #4). Did this fix the issue with the suggestions?

Hi Nina

That was exactly what I was looking for, problem solved,

Thanks for you prompt reply.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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