Visual Studio Code project/solution

The beginning of the course said to switch to Visual Studio Code over visual studio, but how do we set up the project/solution folders in order to follow along? Did we only download it for an introduction to write the smallest possible program?

Visual studio or va code is really a preference. In the end you can use notepad if you want. However. For the most part vs code has less functionality so is faster to use. Personally I’m not so much of a fan. It tends to hate me for some reason and freak out on things that aren’t true.

Go with the tool you are most comfortable with. Any fancies they add to code I’m sure you will cope with

I’ll use either, but it has me confused why they would have me delete studio, instal vs code, only to download the full version again.

The main issue is i can’t tell how to set up solutions in vscode, so I’ll get the full version again.

Just some confusion.

What do you mean delete Studio?

One of the lessons says that if you have any issues running vs code, to delete vs 2015 or 2017 so it will work, and provides that github link.

It does not say that. It says Visual Studio, not Visual Studio Code. This is also from the original course content which does not use VS Code. I’ve let Ben know that there should be an article to clearly separate the remaster/original sections.

Maybe they deleted visual studio so they could show how to install it?

No problem at all. I’m versed with vs17, although i love the ui for code so far. Just had some confusion, but thats all cleared up now!

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