Visual Studio Code error "multiple Visual Studio Solution files"

I am getting the following error every time I open code from the editor in visual studio code:

“Your workspace has multiple Visual Studio Solution files; please select one to get full intellisense”


I have seen a post with the same issue so I have confirmed that my code editor is set to Visual Studio Code in the editor and I removed the VScode folder from my project and had the editor rebuild it but the same error comes back.

Any help would be appreciated.



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I have exactly the same issue. And I too deleted the vscode folder and rebuilt it. There is no .sln file in my project. I would really like to know how to fix this.

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Do you see a .code-workspace file in your project folder?

Yes its there, and double clicking it opens vs code and I get the same multiple solutions message

Is that just opening the file or does it actually open the workspace (I believe by default its the former) i.e. do you see “(Workspace)” in the title bar?

Yes I see workspace in the title bar

Yep same here, I’m following the UE5 C++ course

That appears to be coming from the C# extension. Unreal uses C# for its build system, you can probably just ignore that warning or go into the workspace settings and disable that extension.


Will intellisense work without it?

Ah yes, good spot. So if I disable the C# in this workspace it will still work in my Unity projects?

It should, yes. Workspace settings should only apply to that workspace.

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I disabled the C# extension for my workspace and it is fixed, thanks for your help!

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Yes, the C/C++ extension should provide that.


Seem to be working thanks.


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