Visual Studio causing Unity to crash

Whenever I double-click on a script now, the program crashes and I can’t open VS.


Has this happened the entire time or did the program not crash at some point? If the latter, do you remember if you changed something or if something updated?

I assume you already tried to restart Unity and Visual Studio to no avail. If so, do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity?

If not, where did you install Unity and VS? On your internal harddrive? Where are your project folders? Make sure nothing is installed in the Desktop folder because that’s a folder managed by Windows, and it might be that Windows deletes certain files.

If nothing helped, I would suggest to uninstall both Unity and VS. Restart your computer, and reinstall Unity and VS.

I tried the fixes here :slight_smile:

None are working. I don’t see red lines or lightbulbs. I Googled to no avail.

I read that you were using VS, which is Visual Studio, which is not Visual Studio Code. If you use VS instead of VS Code, the suggestions in the linked thread will not help you. Which program do you use?

Since both problems seem to be related, I merged your two threads. For future reference, please do not create multiple threads on the same problem because that will make it difficult for us to help you efficiently. Depending on how much there is to do in the Q&A section on Udemy and/or here in our forum, it might be that we forget that you have other threads where we already suggested solutions. In the worst case, you’ll get the same suggestions over and over again even though you already tested them to no avail. Thank you for your understanding. :slight_smile:

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