Hey all.
Had a strange one a moment ago. I created a boolean array that was 4 elements in size.
public bool[] strikeMap = new bool[4];
I realised it wasn’t big enough so I increased the size
public bool[] strikeMap = new bool[5]
I stopped VS and Unity from running the game. I made the change then started the debug up again and run the game in Unity. Weirdly, the array stayed at 4 elements in size. The only way I could get it to see the new size was to stop Unity playing, stop the VS attachment (debug) and do a . . .
Build | Clean Solution
Build | Rebuild Solution
I Run the debug in VS and hit play in Unity. Looking at the VS debug locals the array was correct at 5 elements in size.
I saved in both Unity and VS automatically between changes.
Any idea why this happened/ is happening?