Visual Studio 2022 Unreal Snippets

Hey all, if you’re like me and prefer to use Visual Studio but couldn’t find any snippets for it. I’ve created a small as in tiny lol, collection of snippets that I find useful when I am working in Unreal using C++.

Below is a link to the GitHub repo where those snippets can be downloaded in a zip file.
I’ve included instructions in the repo’s readme for those you may not know how to import snippets into their editor.
Also included is a brief instruction on how to use snippets for those that may not have used them, or need a refresher on how to use them.

Hope anyone who ends up finding this post and using them enjoys them and finds them helpful!
Happy dev’ing!! :slight_smile: :grin:

If you have any to contribute yourself that would be awesome! But don’t feel pressured to by any means at all. I just wanted to share these ones as I personally find them helpful

Visual Studio Snippets

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