Visual Scripting: Some thoughts (video "Creating a New Enemy")

Course “Unity Visual Scripting” - Bolt

(Video 1:30: Changing the script graphs title (Enemy to Bounce) does not change the asset name, which is still “Enemy Controller.asset”. This could be renamed (Bounce Controller), too.) – done in the next video…

Video 7:00 ff:

For those, who wonder…
In the movement mechanics when multiplying the move direction (vector3d distance variable) by deltaTime and speed, these values (deltaTime and speed) swap positions/order compared to the previous examples. This is ok, because one vector3D is multiplied with two single values (scalars) and these can swap order with the same resulting vector.
But order may play a role in other cases of multiplications (matrices).

Video 8:15

The wiggle enemies oscillation when running into the wall can be avoided, when “On Fixed Update” node instead of “On Update” is used.

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