Vintage Air Balloon

A Vintage Air Balloon I made using (almost) only the tools we’ve learned up to this point. I stole this picture from a website from an artist named Anne (thank you Anne!) and used it as a reference:

The Basquet was a Cylinder, I shaped it by extruding and moving edges and faces.

The bags are reshapen UV cylinders,

The flags were originally two Bézier Curves whih were turned into meshes and spined just twice. I forgot to rename the Bezier Curves “flag 1” and “flag 2”, just realized…

The Balloon was a UV sphere, I just moved the edges a little.

The “net” was a UV sphere, I just moved the edges a little, extruded some faces and inseted some faces. I also used two tool swhich I don’t think we’ve covered up to this point, but I discovered myself while messing around: the cut face tool (“K”) and the dissolve edge tool (“X”->dissolve edges).


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