Video stops when Ben is trying to fix number of tries

Hello all,
I am trying to progress in the class, but during the Playtesting lecture, the video stops right as Ben is trying to fix the “X tries out of X amount of tries” problem. It stops at the same place everytime I go to watch, and it is only that video. All previous videos work. Is it a problem with me, or is anyone else having this problem? I don’t like skipping videos, but is this one I can come back to at a later date?

Could you provide a screenshot of what you are talking about?


So here is the screen when I click the specific video. It doesn’t even load up.

What I then tried to do was go into the previous video, which works just fine, and clicked continue. It worked for a while up until around 4 minutes into the video:

And here’s a GIF of me actually trying to go back to the home page, but the video UI doesn’t pop up either. I keep clicking and going back but it just gives me a message saying the page isn’t responding.

Have you tried completly closing chrome including right clicking and exiting from the icon in your taskbar? Udemy is known for pretty bad performance, and a full restart of chrome might help with that.

I actually just tried that. Even after having my computer turned off all
night it doesn’t work. I have yet to try in a different browser though.

Feel free to add to the topic on Udemy’s performance

Just got home and tried it on Microsoft Edge and it continues to play! Thanks for the help, and I will definitely add my problems to that topic.

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