Video cuts out before ending

At the end of this lecture we start modifying the rotation speed, but the video cuts out before it’s complete.


Does he speed up the videos when typing code? The instructor

I know in his YouTube videos he does this a lot, but so far I have only seen it happen once and it was very brief, like 10 seconds of real time condensed down to 2-3 seconds.

Alright, cause I cant preview any free lectures like what they do on Udemy so It might be a hard pass if he does that often and a lot in videos, especially the meat and potatoe sections of the systems he builds.

Hmm seems something went wrong with the upload, I’ll look into it, thanks!

@Brandon_Richards On YouTube I am dependent on the algorithm which means I have to keep the video moving and get through the content quickly otherwise people drop off or they don’t even click when they see a 20+ minute video.
But on a course there is no algorithm so that issue doesn’t exist, I can take as much time as I need to explain all the code that I’m writing which is what I do in the course. So there are pretty much no speed ups, whenever I am writing code I am talking about what I am writing.


Sounds promising man. I’ll pick up the course, looking forward to jumping into it!

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The new version of the video has been uploaded, thanks!


Can confirm the video is good now, lecture worked fine for me.

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