Very good course, well paced and some useful and interesting nuggets

Thanks for that. I’ve been working with Unity for a couple of years now, after many years as a software consultant. The subject matter was ideal for some projects that I’ve got in mind and you highlighted a lot of useful things.

  • Covering the various ways of achieving goals was helpful and interesting. There are always multiple paths to the same solution. Knowing the alternatives is always a good idea.
  • Creating empty objects to hold scripts was a different - and probably better and more flexible approach - than I would usually take.
  • The animation curve was totally new to me and is a great time saver!
  • The way you name events (class_eventname) is really good. I hadn’t considered that before, even though I’ve spent a lot of time having to search through code trying to figure out what was triggering things :slight_smile:

I don’t really have a strong preference for what expansion you make to the course, so I’m happy to wait and see where it goes.

I was pleased with my destructible kicking action though :smiley:


I’ve been using events for decades (long before Unity), and it never actually occurred to me to add the class_ to the event handler. Now, it’s my new standard for event handlers.

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Thanks for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed the course!

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