Vertex Paint issue


Hello everyone ^^
I was creating quickly a little rocket for unity project (complete c# unity course, rocket boost), and i had an issue.

Do you know why vertex paint seems to… mix colors? It seems that my colors mix with other faces (dunno how to say that, my english is quite poor ^^’).

Hope you understand my issue and thanks for your advices <3


For anyone to help they will need more then a small render to see what settings you have.

General Q&A note
Help us all to help you.
Please give FULL screenshots with any questions. With the relevant panels open.
Also, include the lecture time and name/number that is relevant to the problem/issue.
The screenshot can be done by Blender itself, via the ‘Window’ menu bar top left hand side.
On that menu drop down is ‘save screenshot’.
Close ups additionally where they help.


My apologies, I’m pretty new in the community, I’ll try better:

Since I’m in Vertex paint mode, is there any reason my red color went OUSTIDE the selected faces?
It’s like there’s a gradiant texture, but there’s not…
am I the only one who had that problem? :confused:

Thank you for your answers :slight_smile:


Problem solved :slight_smile:
Because I created a material and used a color attribute (less material creation ^^), the attribute was the issue.

I give a screenshot if some people have the same problem as I had :slight_smile:
You need to choose this option :slight_smile:
Capture d'écran 2023-12-06 230125


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