Version 2.91 Line Tool options different from video Line Tool options

The Line Tool shows this in the video (I think it’s version 2.8). It shows only the one Draw Ink and options.
Mikey Line Tool options

In version 2.91, I’m not sure which to use, the first Ink Pen or the second or does it matter? They each have different options under them. On the first Ink Pen, I see the Subdivisions field is set to 6.

In both the video and the bottom Ink Pen of my version 2.91 it has the number 2 beside Ink Pen. What is that for?


Seems a randomly chosen pen. So long as it makes a similar line it should be no problem. It is not part of the real model later just a grease pencil demonstration, use of it in sketching out even a 3d pencil sketch of what you intend doing.

Basic principles tend to remain the same even if the interface changes somewhat form release to release. You can keep up to date with what is changing by checking the release notes for your version.

Wherever you see this interface:
That is the Blender data representation.

Data just means a collection of settings for a object type. The number on the left is the number of users for that “data” (The pen settings in this case is the data. Users just means links from other objects, meaning that some object is using this data).

The shield represents the “fake user” - This is just a setting telling Blender to save this data even if it has no users (by default Blender will not save orphan data (i.e. data with no users)).

Finally, the X is to delete the data.

Good luck.

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