Looking for clarity on apply_impulse. I asked ChatGPT how to read the description on Godot: “void apply_impulse(impulse: Vector2, position: Vector2 = Vector2(0, 0))” because from my understanding, “impulse: Vector2,” is the impulse amount on the x-axis, and “position: Vector2” is the impulse on the y-axis. And “Vector2(0, 0))” is the default and example of Vector2’s default value for impulse.
My confusion is because ChgatGPT explained it in a way where it said it does not have anything to do with x/y coordinates. Maybe I’m misinterpreting/misunderstanding what it meant. Some clarity could be helpful!
Chatgpt explanation:
The function signature void apply_impulse(impulse: Vector2, position: Vector2 = Vector2(0, 0)) doesn’t represent a 2D coordinate system with x and y axes. It represents a function with two parameters:
impulse: Vector2 : This parameter expects a Vector2 value, and it’s used to specify the force or impulse you want to apply along a direction. It’s not related to the x-axis or y-axis.
position: Vector2 = Vector2(0, 0) : This parameter also expects a Vector2 value, and it’s used to specify the position where you want to apply the impulse. The default value is (0, 0) , which means if you don’t provide a position when calling the function, it will assume (0, 0) as the position.
The function is not related to a 2D coordinate system with x and y axes. Instead, it’s used to apply forces or impulses to objects in your game or simulation at specific positions ( position ) with specific directions and magnitudes ( impulse ).