UV Unwrapping / Image Texture ONLY affecting part of the mesh

Ok, I’m normally pretty decent to figure out my own mistakes, but this one in particular is proving to be a worthy enemy for my Google Skills.

I’ve a model, fairly low poly, of a body, with seams market in a decent manner, all fine and dandy. I can add Principal BSDF node and the color affect the whole body. BUT when I apply an Image Texture Node and select an image ONLY affect the head, and the body don’t cast textures, it’s a solid color (in rendered view and rendering, both in Eevee and Cycles).

Here’s a render with a color checkered Image Texture node and a light color with a Principal BSDF in Cycles:

And some inside shots. Note that the unwrap doesn’t even match the positioning of the texture in the head:


I’m using (or rather testing this in) Blender 3.x.x
EEVEE and Cycles.
I’ve a fairly decent PC (3950x, 3080, 128DDR4, Win10)

So far the only workaround I’ve found is exporting an OBJ and re-importing it, but that override the topology of the mesh.

Here’s a copy of my blend file: Dropbox - BaseModel 2 Texturing.blend - Simplify your life

Does anyone have a clue what’s happening? Thanks in advance!

First thing I would do is set up the material correctly.
There should be a principled BSDF in between the two you are using.
Then you can also add the coordinates and mapping nodes before the image texture.

The problem is the UV maps.

Go to the UV maps in the object data properties, Green triangle icon.
Open the UV maps dropdown and delete both maps.

All works as expected.
( I applied the rotation too, basic habit)

Having specific different uv maps I do not see has any place or need here. If it did you would need to specify with a UV map node which one the texture was to use. Until you do something more complex in materials, it just should not be needed.

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