just in case this might be interesting for someone else (or maybe I can get some feedbacks on how to make it more efficient).
I’m doing Rob’s course, but I’m aiming to use the left stick of the gamepad for aiming (more for experience than gameplay).
Hope it may be useful to someone else.
First, I’ve added the 2 axis binds for the X and Y axis of left gamepad’s stick. The result I’m storing in the variables angleOnX and angleOnY
I’ve overloaded the function RotateTurret to receive a FQuat as shown below:
void APawnBase::RotateTurret(FQuat Rotation)
// adds rotation according to given quaternion
And added these to the Tick method of APawnTank.
void APawnTank::Tick(float DeltaTime)
// ...
if ((!FMath::IsNearlyEqual(0.0, angleOnX, 0.75))
|| (!FMath::IsNearlyEqual(0.0, angleOnY, 0.75)))
const float actorFaceAngle = GetActorRotation().Yaw;
// creates a vector for the joystick
FVector joystickAngleVector(angleOnX, angleOnY, 0.);
// find the cosine between the joystick angle against "forward" vector
float angleCosine = joystickAngleVector.DotProduct(joystickAngleVector, FVector(0.,1.,0.));
// find the angle in degrees
float angle = acos(angleCosine) * 180.f / 3.14159265f;
// little patch to trick the angle, for this calculation, if X is negative, we must invert the angle (other quadrant)
if (angleOnX < 0.0)
angle *= -1.0;
// Updates the turret angle
RotateTurret(FQuat(FRotator(0.f, actorFaceAngle + angle, 0.f)));