I bought the RPG Character Mecanim Animation Pack from the asset store one of the last big Unity Asset Store sales before I started this course. I have not used it yet, but I was considering using the AnimationController and some of the controller scripts that came with the paid asset directly instead of setting it up manually with the pieces provided by the course. Following the PDF docs that came with the asset, I was able to make the Unarmed Attack animation play, but based on the documentation, I’m wondering if it’s a bad idea to continue down this path for now.
Has anyone tried it? I’m curious how much my project would then deviate from the course’s version. I’m wondering if I should try to use it now, or maybe wait until later in the Core Combat course or even after completing it. I’m a software engineer by trade, but very new to Unity and game development so I’m comfortable using the asset’s scripts/API, but very unsure how things like the RPGCharacterMovementController that “takes care of the physics” will impact the project.