Sounds like you want to blow people apart since it’s usually characters that have skinned meshes and spines. This would be a little different because a skinned mesh renderer is usually still just one mesh.
One thing you could do is something similar to the ragdoll and make a separate prefab, but this one will have to contain each limb/body part as a separate mesh with a rigidbody, etc. Arrange them to look like your character and then you’d have to apply a force to each limb based on the position of the explosion, etc. when you switch to this prefab (the same way we switched to the ragdoll)
If you don’t have limbs/body parts, another option would be to add the character model for each body part you want and then scale all the other bones to (0,0,0) so that only that part remains, eg. for the left arm you’d add the character and scale all the bones except the left arm to (0,0,0). Repeat for the other parts. It’s probably not a recommended way if you want lots of parts to fly around. I have used this method to remove a character’s hat when he falls, but I’m not sure how that would go down with 2 arms, 2 legs, a head and a torso…