I have recommendation regarding the level of detail and speed of drawing and modeling in blender, using CAD program with Blender could save too much time because of the lack of accuracy in it. That can be achieved using another CAD programs, i noticed that more in arch for window and door that can make too much effect in architectural style and its normal look
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You can do that. But blender is more for organic modeling and visualization, then for mathematical precision in blueprints. It’s just build for different purposes.
I use InkScape for vector illustrations, Import them into Blender. There is no harm in that.
Or just enable ‘TinyCAD’ add on that is built in.
one site mentioning it.
There are probably other add ons too. I believe there is even a branched version of Blender that is CAD enhanced.
Hmmmm, another Blender goodie I didn’t know existed.
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thanks alot