Using a lambda for filtering words

TArray<FString> UBullCowCartridge::GetValidWords() const
    TArray<FString> AllWords;
    TArray<FString> FilteredWords;
    const FString WordListPath = FPaths::ProjectContentDir() / TEXT("Words.txt");
    FFileHelper::LoadFileToStringArray(AllWords, *WordListPath);

    FilteredWords = AllWords.FilterByPredicate([this](const FString& Str)
        int32 Length = Str.Len();
        return Length >= 4 && Length <= 8 && this->IsIsogram(*Str);

    PrintLine(TEXT("Possible words count is %i"), FilteredWords.Num());

    return FilteredWords;

Hi and welcome to the community. Nice solution.

The reason I wouldn’t necessarily do it this way is that it makes the code more complex to follow and thus less maintainable.

It is nonetheless a good solution to the problem.

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