Usign UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput


I have used same code as Ben mentioned.

But it does not work. And Unity console give me error with Waypointcircuit script. Which I never used.
Instead of waypoint I used timeline animation for the player ship.

How can i solve this error?

Hi Bhavesh,

Which version of Unity do you use? Did you download the latest Standard Assets from the Unity Asset Store?

If the Circuit asset is causing too much trouble, I would suggest to remove it. Watch the video without implementing the Circuit in your project. It’s just that one lecture. In a later lecture, Rick is going to replace the waypoints with a Timeline animation, so you will not miss anything crucial.

Hi Nina,
Thanks for the answer.

I never used waypoint circuit script. By the way i found the solution.
First i deleted standard package.
And now in 2020 getaxis property is already there in input class.
So it worked like charm.

Thanks. Have a nice day.

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Fantastic. I’m glad you fixed the issue! :slight_smile:

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