Use coroutines?

Why don’t we use a coroutine to keep up with the time needed? Instead of counting deltaTime?

Sorry I missed this.

I’m guessing what you are asking is that rather than using a timer and adding time.deltaTime, preventing attacks until the timer exceeds the time between attacks, that we start a coroutine with a yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenAttacks) (at which time, a bool would be set to true allowing an attack)

You could do this, if you wish, but it’s probably a bit more work.

I have the same thought.
So here is my code.

bool isAttacking = false;

private void Update()
            if (target == null)
            if (isInRange())
                if (isAttacking == false)
                    isAttacking = true;

        IEnumerator TriggerAttackAnimation()
            while (target != null)
                Debug.Log("Trigger attack animation");
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(attackInterval);
            yield break;

note that the isAttacking is necessary because without it would start a new coroutine every frame.

You’ll also need to add StopAllCoroutines(); to the else statement in Update();
The Cancel() method should also have StopAllCoroutines();


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