UPROPERTY(EditAnyWhere) Live Coding

Course: Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Learn C++ & Make Video Games
Lecture: 3.43

I added 3 variables using UPROPERTY(EditAnyWhere). I tried building with VS Code, then rebuilding in UE, and also Refresh VS Code Project, and could not view the vars in the UE editor. Only after I used the Live Coding option did the vars populate the editor.

My question, what is the proper procedure to compile/rebuild without using Live Coding?
The reason I ask is I have been seeing a lot of threads where people are having issues with Live Coding corrupting projects.


UPDATE: Even after the vars are populate in the editor via Live Coding, after saving and reopening the project they are no longer there.

FWIW here are a couple of screenshots. The first on in the All view does not show MovingPlatform1 and with Actor filter the Actor Guid is a hex value.

I suggest you always compile with the editor closed when you make changes to a header file or the constructor.


That is what I have been trying. If I compile in VS Code with the editor closed the properties are are not exposed in the editor, only when I compile with n the editor they will show up. Maybe I am not choosing the correct build option in VS Code? I am currently using Editor Dev Build as shown in Lecture 3.42.

Would you mind showing the task used so I can double check?

I can’t screenshot the Udemy vid, but @ 6:23 the highlighted option shown in the video is what I am using (I can get a screenshot from my machine later tonite).


Here is a screenshot with the option I am using highlighted. I also tried the rebuild option directly below. I have added lines 38,39 before compiling. When I open Unreal MyBoolean is not exposed until I hit the build on the fly button in the bottom right corner of the editor.

That is not the right task. That isn’t the editor version of the config. Search for “Editor Win64 Dev”

Good Grief! Thanks Dan!!

I sighted the correct task from the video @ 6:23 but have been selecting the incorrect task!!

Sorry for my “Density”!!

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