Update Only Once

Hello GameDev . I want to develop the Garden Glitch for android and I am stucked in one problem.
I want to update the Trophy only once Trophy is instantiating very fast not stoppig.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class TrophySpawner : MonoBehaviour
Player player;
float min = 0.000001f;
[SerializeField] GameObject Trophy;
void Update()

public void PlayerSelected(Player selectedPlayer)
    player = selectedPlayer;

private Vector2 GetTrophyClicked()
    Vector3 WorldTop = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3((float)0.1, (float)0.12, Camera.main.nearClipPlane));
    Vector3 WorldBase = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3((float)0.4, min, Camera.main.nearClipPlane));
    Vector2 worldPos = new Vector2(Random.Range(WorldBase.x, WorldTop.x), Random.Range(WorldTop.y, WorldBase.y));
    Vector2 gridPos = SnapToGrid(worldPos);
    return gridPos;

private Vector2 SnapToGrid(Vector2 rawWorldPos)
    float newX = Mathf.RoundToInt(rawWorldPos.x);
    float newY = Mathf.RoundToInt(rawWorldPos.y);
    return new Vector2(newX, newY);

public void SpawnTrophy(Vector2 roundedPos)
  //  Vector2 initantiatePos = new Vector2(Random.Range(WorldBase.x, WorldTop.x), Random.Range(WorldTop.y, WorldBase.y));
    Player newPlayer =  Instantiate(player, roundedPos, Quaternion.identity) as Player;


Here is the code . I want instantiate only once. So please help me.

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