Update Game Timer wont start somehow

i did everything needed and all the rest is working. i have look 50 times if I get wrong in something, but all look the same as the video. but after count down the timer wont start

Could you show your code and blueprints please?

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no matter what, the countdown in the screen after 3, 2, 1 warmup - its stuck at 00:00 like i written in the game mode hud.

And the rest of it?

can you be more specific? there is a lot of content.

Where it gets called.

you mean this?

Well I’m not the TA for the course nor have I watched the lectures so I don’t know how that is set up.

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so who can help in this thing? because for sure i follow the video without any mistakes…

Have you tried setting a watch for that variable to see if it’s getting the right value? Or even just testing it’s working by directly using Warm Up and InProgress?

No offense but the amount of times I’ve been told this and it has actually been true is rather low. :sweat_smile:

yes, I tried to switch from warmup session to progress session, and then I see values changed in the progress timer HUD. it makes the countdown 3, 2, 1 instead of in the middle - to the top right timer.

i feel a little bit stuck after trying to think about what can be the issue… but I don’t know enough.

and yes haha you’re right, always can be a small thing that we can miss out.

if some of your team want to join in discord I will make a live share so I can show the code faster and find the problem easier…

i made the tutorial once again and the same thing happened.

Just going to tag in @Tuomo_T an @StephenUlibarri.

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Are you making sure to switch states in Update Warmup Timer once you’ve run out of time in the warmup state?

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I make it work yesterday that’s it all good now :slight_smile:

Good, glad you got it working!

I am having the same issue, how did you fix it?

Nvm I apologize it was a simple math mistake when subtracting the delta time and the time remaining I had it swapped.

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