Unwrapped polygons disappear when deselecting model

I have Blender 2.91, so it is slightly different, and I’ve been able to adjust everything else, so I’m not sure if I just missed a step somewhere, or if the functionality is radically different and I need to research elsewhere. When Grant is unwrapping, he is able to deselect models in the right hand window (editing mode), and able to solely focus on single parts of the unwrapped model, with those parts becoming selected on the right hand window. However, every time I deselect my model, the entirety of the UV editing section on the left window completely disappears. I have the linked by seams option selected, and I can select sections of the unwrapped model using L, but everything is still selected on the right hand window.

Am I doing something wrong?

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Too far away for me, this course. But doesn’t Grant using a mask. Masking the parts you don’t want to see?

Basically you want to see only the UV-mash (left window) with the mesh parts selected in the right panel?

Isn’t he using vertext groups?

So, when Grant deselects all with Alt-A, the model will be deselected, but he will still see the unwrapped parts on the left:

But when I deselect all with Alt-A, everything on the left disappears like in the first pic.

I don’t recall any mask being added to do that, and I’ve gone through the UV unwrapping videos twice just to double check if I missed anything.

Thanks for any help you can give!

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Oh, jeez, I can’t believe I missed that. Thank you! That worked!

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It’s easy to overlook those things.
Also like the hotkeys. One wrong key stoke and something unexpectedly happens.

Have fun! Show us your progress.


Thanks from me too @FedPete as I’m still very new to version 2.93, but I know there’s an option to do that in 2.79, as I use it all the time, so now I’m glad I know where to find it in the newer Blender version. :wink:

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Welcome to this site, good to see you got your solution!
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