That makes sense. UE 5 does have a driving template and is far more advanced than that in 4. In fact, while most projects can be upgraded, driving ones can’t because they changed the template to use the chaos physics engine. Is quite complete to be honest.
2D isn’t UEs strong point and you’d generally go with godot or unity for 2d games. The template there is very basic. That could possibly be imported into 5. You can make decent games using 2D however. There’s a decent course here on 2D C++. The puzzle template nobody was using.
Multiplayer is interesting. The weird thing about multiplayer is most things are designed to work as multiplayer and so you can rapidly enable this. The connection to EOS, Steam or other engine is where it is really complicated and actually, in 4.20 I do believe you have to manually build the steam library for it to work. EOS isn’t even truly supported until 5.x
As for C++, there was a breaking change added into Visual Studio and you have to install specific libraries… MSVC (the compiler) needs to be 14.38 for 5.4 and later, 5.3 uses 14.36 but they try and use the latest if not found and that just doesn’t work.
You therefore need to search for 14.38 under individual components in the installer and add the MSVC built tools, cli and ATL for x64/86 to get it working. Up until 5m2 it wasn’t an issue but Visual Studio broke this.
I hope this helps you make an informed decision. There’s no harm in messing with 4.20 but I’d not do any development there.