Unreal Engine Partnership Courses

Hey! I just found out that Unreal Engine has partnered up with GameDev to give out 4 free courses, one which I am currently enrolled right now. But when I tried to search for it, it did not come up. I even went as far as to flip your Twitter, when gave me a link, and when pressed, said I do not have permission to view the page. So I would like to ask if the partnership is still ongoing, or has something happened to it?

I’m looking into it, will let you know when I know anything.

Many thanks.
Here is a reference link I found. I assume it is the link for the course.

Thanks for the link. It just takes me to the homepage with my favourited courses. I’ve asked the course instructors and just waiting to hear back from them.

Yes, it took me to the homepage too, on first try. I thought it was strange, so I did it again, since the person who gave me the link said it was a link to the course I was finding. It gave me the “No permission to view page” after the first try. Here’s a screenie

Here you can see the page with the exact same link above.

Reference to another page I found this link on

Hi Liyang,
The Agreement between Epic Games/Unreal and GameDev.tv has now expired. If you already have access to the courses from Unreal Learning then you will keep access.

This may be available in the future if Epic Games decides to renew the agreement but there’s no guarantee.

I hope this answers your question.

Oh well. Thanks for you help!

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