Unreal engine Compile errors and crashes

Hello, I am struggling with unreal engine for like 4 month. There is not even a day without any problem(I do not include just code syntax or similar errors). Everyday I get crashes, some randoms for example I am just opening Engine, not project just engine and it crashes, then if It finally opens, sometimes it lags and then crashes. Also there are Fatal Compile Errors. Not the code Errors, just RANDOM ERRORS, and any time I compile this errors change in different errors, until I delete intermediate, binaries, vscode files and regenerate them, but even after this sometimes it doesn’t work. I did everything as it’s in the course. Here are some errors :


I’m getting this weird errors in my header and c++ files
Is there a way to fix them?

When I see these errors I try to refresh vscode project files, or I delete intermediate, binaries and vscode

How to refresh Vscode files? I mean, my code is working just fine, it compiles all well, but then the editor shows these errors

Its a consistent issue. Whenever I create a new C++ class, I have to refresh the VSCode.

Refresh VSCode is in the Unreal “Tools” menu.

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