Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Simple Shooter section is not based in Unreal 5?


I signed up for the Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer course on Udemy a few years ago. I wanted to run through it again to remind myself about the enemy AI, Blackboard, and Behavior Tree sections in the Simple Shooter game.

I notice that the Simple Shooter section is still based in UE4, but the title of the course now indicates it should be in UE5. Are there new videos for this section of the course that use UE5?


Hello samuelthomson, I’ve finished that section and course 3 days ago, but there is no problem following the UE4 that was used by Sam.

Only interface is different, so you can easily do everything what the tutor does :slight_smile:

Hope this help you. Cheers

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Simple shooter was added to the original course a few months before UE5 was announced and the content wouldn’t have changed, only the UI. So, the decision was made to leave the section as is.

There is no UE5 specific content for this section but it is still very much current (aside from the input and maybe the particle effects which are the old cascade system)

Everything will work pretty much the same in UE 5.

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