Unreal Engine 4.20.2 Problems

Hi Guys,

Have been away from the course for a while with work demands, got back to my beloved Unreal sandpit and decided to upgrade to 4.20. Now I find that if I compile anything from C++ land that the Tank_BP “loses” track/socket information. E.g.: The left track always seems to reset the newtons force value and the physics material. All I have to do it reset the fields but after about 10 times it gets a bit annoying. I do manually save everything before I launch Visual Studio and compile.

Nothing to do with the course, just Unreal Engine being a bit silly I think.

Anybody else experiencing this ?


I’m having an issue with Tank_BP “losing” Projectile_BP for our TankAiming component.

Quite a pain, I just started having issues after refactoring on Lecture 184.

Not to mention my projectiles will no longer move. :persevere:

Sorry, not got to Lecture 184 yet, will let you know if I have similar issues when I do manage to catch up.

I have noticed that the AimingComponent keeps on losing the Projectile_BP setting. Even if I set the projectile back and then recompile the setting will be lost again.

Out of interest I recreated the tank BP from scratch to see if it would solve the problem, sadly it didn’t.

Down to Epic to fix the bug I’m afraid, doesn’t see to have a workaround.

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