Unreal doesn't load all Static Meshes correctly

Okay, thats strange, because even if I deleted the folder, Unreal dosent loade the shaders new. Maybe I overlooked an folder. But I will uplode the video in a few minutes.

So here is the video: https://youtu.be/UgrIDtaVYzU
Sorry for the quality I have some problems with OBS.
And the menus are in German I could not change them, but I think it shows all important things.
For explanation: I downloaded the zip`s new and extract them. After I showed the project I show how I delete the Asset Pack files. Maybe you finde an mistake.

So it looks like it is an issue with this. Sorry about that, I didn’t realise the zip extractor that comes with Windows would be that limiting (I use 7zip which does allow to unzip all 3 together).

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Thank you, it finally worked :smiley: :tada:. I really appreciate your many efforts

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