Unreal Crashes

I don’t know why but my unreal project is crashing,there was no error at compile time and I have performed all the tasks in the same way as performed in the lecture,as i select the montages and play the project unreal crashes!
before that everything was working find!

If what you created crashes after you have started it then you need to find a way to obtain an error either through a log, terminal, something (whatever you have or make available).

Otherwise you need to debug the code either by using a debugger or by using a lot of logs to narrow down where its coming from.

But no one here can really help you without an error or the entire project or the code of the location of the problem and then doing the above. But, you should learn how to solve problems on your own (and with searching) as you are going to run into a lot of problems and ever so rarely crazy mysterious ones that seem to make no sense for many hours maybe even months. That’s a part of programming :smile: The more you do it and learn how to do it, the easier it gets.

If Unreal is crashing when you try to play the game, the issue is almost always that you’re trying to use a pointer that isn’t set to anything yet. Depending on where you are in the course, this is fixed by either doing if (SomeComponent) { SomeComponent->DoTheThing(); } or if (ensure(SomeComponent)) { SomeComponent->DoTheThing(); }

The difference being that ensure() will log error messages so you can easily identify what isn’t set, and where.

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