Unreal Crashes when Playing

The following codes compiled fine but when I play Unreal crashes.

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#include "Hunter.h"
#include "AIController.h"
#include "Math/UnrealMathUtility.h"
#include "NavigationSystem.h"

void AHunter::BeginPlay()


void AHunter::Wandering()
    if (!GetController()->IsPlayerController())
        FVector GetLocation = SetLocation();

FVector AHunter::SetLocation()
    FNavLocation OutLocation; 
    UNavigationSystemV1 FindPath; 

    if (FindPath.GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius(this->GetActorLocation(), NavRadius, OutLocation))
        return OutLocation.Location;
        return this->GetActorLocation();

NavigationSystemV1 FindPath is at line 28
GetController()->MoveToLocation(GetLocation) is at line 21

What am I doing wrong?

Apparently that cast is failing or GetController within the if is returning nullptr. Does it work if you have

if (AAIController* AIController = GetController<AAIController>())
    FVector GetLocation = SetLocation();
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#include "Hunter.h"
#include "AIController.h"
#include "Math/UnrealMathUtility.h"
#include "NavigationSystem.h"

void AHunter::BeginPlay()


void AHunter::Wandering()
    if (AAIController* AIController = GetController<AAIController>())
        if (AIController == nullptr) return;

       FVector GetLocation = SetLocation();
       AIController->MoveToLocation(GetLocation); //apprently the crash error keeps on complaining about this.

FVector AHunter::SetLocation()
    FNavLocation OutLocation; 
    UNavigationSystemV1 FindPath; //apprently the crash error keeps on complaining about this. It is needed so I can access functions in NavigationSystem.h. 
    bool BFP = FindPath.GetRandomPointInNavigableRadius(this->GetActorLocation(), NavRadius, OutLocation); //The function is either a FVector or a bool. So I try to assign as a bool

    if (BFP) 
        return OutLocation.Location;
        return this->GetActorLocation();

No it still crashes. Read the comments I made in the code.

Strange, I wouldn’t have expected that to compile. I don’t think you’re supposed to be able to default construct an object of that type.

From the docs you probably want GetCurrent

UNavigationSystemV1* FindPath = UNavigationSystemV1::GetCurrent(this);
if (FindPath)
    // Use

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