Unreal Crash everytime i hit start

I Dont know what i did wrong anyone can help? i try to understand what i did so wrong from yesterday

The same problem came up for me (to be clear, the same memory address too - when I looked online I saw a lot of things about this being a graphics problem or needing to delete files to rebuild or whatnot - none of that worked). I retraced my steps and found that adding the trigger to the pedestal is the culprit. Everything up to that point will let the code run, but once the trigger is added it will crash.

That led me into why that was and the answer is hinted in the output (specifically in the SetShouldMove() call). What happens is that the game tries to call “Mover” over the course of the frame call, but it hasn’t been set yet in the video. To fix, go to the level blueprint (where you have the _SM_STATUE_STAND and SM_Cell_Side connect to their respective ‘Get Component By Class’ actions and connect the Exec (white arrow) of “Event BeginPlay” to the Exec (white arrow) of “Set Mover”. We did this already in the wall that slides down earlier in the tutorial, but didn’t do it here. The result is that we try to call a pointer that hasn’t been set yet and the whole thing crashes.

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