Universal render pipleline

Im using different version of unity (2021.3.7f1) and the “Upgrade Project Materials to UniversalRP Materials” option is not in the place it was in the vedio Unity version (2020.3.1f1).
I can’t find it, can someone please know how to help me with that?

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Unity, in their infinite wisdom, and in attempt to “simplify” things made things a bit mroe complicated.

First, go to Window|Rendering|Render Pipeline Converter

You’ll see a window like this:

Select Built-in to URP in the drop down, and scroll the bottom window till you get to Material Upgrade. Click on this checkbox and then click Initialize Converters. This will scan the assets for outdated materials. Finally, hit Convert Assets.

Like the old way, this will not work for all assets, and some materials simply have to be edited manually to use a URP shader, and sometimes connections need to be re-created (like the textures, etc).


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