'Unity.VisualScripting.Antlr3.Runtime' could not be found

I don’t understand what the problem is.

My characters when I start the game are in a constant state of running only when I move them to another slot they stop moving, and I can’t spin the character at all.

I copied all the code from the site and deleted my code just to be safe and I still get the same error I checked the codes. And the scripts are connected to UNIT and I still can’t figure out what to do.

I would really appreciate the help

This you post this question in the right subforum? The Turn Based Strategy course? Visual Scripting isn’t used anywhere in this course.
Do you still see that error after restarting Unity? Does it happen every time you hit play?

This is a Turn Based Strategy course.
After restarting I don’t have this error line but I have the following line


I have this problem only from the Base Action Class, class before this class everything worked normally without errors.

I got the error again.
Now the characters do respond properly to what I ask of them, but at the beginning of the game the characters are in a constant state of running in place, when I give them a command like move or make a turn they act as they should

The warning on the image or the error in the title? The warning shouldn’t break anything, it just seems like you had some window open that it had some UI issues, shouldn’t affect anything.
The error in the title I’m not sure what could be since visual scripting is not used anywhere in this course. What is the full error text? Does it appear every time you hit play?

This is the full error, and yes it appears every time I click “play”.
And the game works as it should only this bug that I don’t understand, even when I let go to the animation I didn’t see anything strange.

The “Should not be capturing when there is a hotcontrol” is a persistent bug in the Unity UI, and generally has no affect on actually playing the game.

Can you paste in the full Stack Trace on the Unity.VisualScripting.Antlr3.Runtime could not be found error message? It might yield some clues.

Perhaps there’s a using that references VisualScripting. I have found my Visual Studio auto-adding references to Visual Scripting when I’m writing code 'cos it ‘thinks’ I want a class from there when I don’t.

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I don’t know how to do it

How do you solve the problem?

In the console, click on the error message. At the bottom of the console, the message will appear with information about the last several methods that were called to get to this error. It can yield valuable information about where the error is or the circumstances that caused it.

Like this?
Project path contains special characters, which can be an issue when opening Visual Studio
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning (object)
Microsoft.Unity.VisualStudio.Editor.ProjectGeneration:SyncSolution (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<UnityEditor.Compilation.Assembly>) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ide.visualstudio@2.0.14/Editor/ProjectGeneration/ProjectGeneration.cs:806)
Microsoft.Unity.VisualStudio.Editor.ProjectGeneration:GenerateAndWriteSolutionAndProjects () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ide.visualstudio@2.0.14/Editor/ProjectGeneration/ProjectGeneration.cs:290)
Microsoft.Unity.VisualStudio.Editor.ProjectGeneration:Sync () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ide.visualstudio@2.0.14/Editor/ProjectGeneration/ProjectGeneration.cs:207)
Microsoft.Unity.VisualStudio.Editor.VisualStudioEditor:SyncAll () (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ide.visualstudio@2.0.14/Editor/VisualStudioEditor.cs:177)
UnityEditor.CodeEditorProjectSync:SyncEditorProject ()

OH, not the same error message, but may actually be the root of the problem… project path names (where your project is stored) can cause issues if they contain any non-alphanumeric characters. It’s much like when you go to a font website and 99% of the fonts only support the English alphabet.
Unity’s default location to store projects when you create them is in your Documents folder, and if your user name contains non-alphanumeric characters, it can cause issues. (It can already cause issues with paths being too long, even with English names)
Try moving the project into a shorter path with only AlphaNumeric characters. For example, I put all my projects into a folder C:\UnityProjects, so my Strategy project is in C:\UnityProjects\Turnbased

This may be a bit tricky.

  • Exit Unity and Visual Studio Code.
  • Create a folder on the root with a nice short Alphanumeric name like UnityProjects
  • Drag your project folder (not the contents, the whole folder, so the folder that contains the Assets, Library, etc) to this new folder.
  • Unity Hub will have lost the link to the project, so go into Unity Hub and click on the little drop down arrow on the Open, and select Add Project From Disk. Navigate to your new project location.

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