Unity Turn Based Strategy - shaped form on Grid


I want to add an AOE system to my game using the Grid System show in this course.

Doing straight line on up down right left of the grid is easy, but I want to do it diagonaly.

I included a picture of what I want it to look like.


It has a height and width value, that can change depending on the skill.

I tried different approche, but I can’t seem to have a grasp of how I should circle through my list to do it

1 square = 1 distance unit
1 square diagnal = 2 distance unit

Can you help understand how I should do it please ? Or how you would do it ?

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I think this is a pretty complex problem. I can suggest a solution that will at least partially get you there.

What you can do is loop through the positions as usual, but then transform the coordinates using a matrix. The matrix uses floating points while the grid doesn’t, so there is a bit of manual intervention to eliminate some of the issues. It still doesn’t get you exactly where you want to be but it’s a start.

What we’ll do is process the grid as if we are just using standard ‘up/down’ positions, but then we’ll rotate those positions by 45 degrees. The direction is up to you.

I made a test action to test this and show the result

public override List<GridPosition> GetValidActionGridPositions()
    // square root of 2 is a unit square's diagonal. this is the inverse to eliminate further division
    var sqrt2i = 1f / Mathf.Sqrt(2f);

    var width = 6; // test value
    var halfWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(width / 2f); // this is to go left and right of the unit

    var height = 4; // test value

    // rotation matrix for a 45 degree rotation
    var matrix = Matrix4x4.Rotate(Quaternion.AngleAxis(45f, Vector3.up));

    // the usual stuff
    var unitPos = _unit.GetGridPosition();
    var validGridPositions = new List<GridPosition>();

    // loop through the positions
    for(var z = 0; z < height; z++)
        for(var x = -halfWidth; x <= halfWidth; x++)
            // rotate this position after some manual intervention
            var position = new Vector3(x * sqrti, 0f, z * sqrt2i);
            var rotated = matrix.MultiplyVector(position);

            // create the offset
            var offset = new GridPosition(Mathf.RoundToInt(rotated.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(rotated.z));
            // create the test position
            var testPosition = unitPos + offset;
            // if the position is not valid, skip it
            if (!LevelGrid.Instance.IsValidGridPosition(testPosition)) continue;
            // do other tests here
    return validGridPositions;

The result

Like I said, it doesn’t get you what you want, but it’s a step closer. And maybe some clever math-people can come up with a better solution

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Thank a lot for your time !

I didn’t know about matrix so I will look at what you tried, I think that could be a huge clue in finding a way that work !

But yeah, I think it’s more of a math issue than a code issue ^^

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Without the need for variablity in the X and Y shapes of the targeting, I would recommend hard coding the shape offsets for each cardinal and orthagonal direction. Then you would poll the appropriate pattern’s direction.

Actually, if you have a specific range of possible pattern values, you could still make a master pattern at the maximum range, and then only access the range needed… in your for loop.

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