Unity Standard Assets Replaced by Unity Starter Assets

I am having issues importing the Unity Starter Assets.

In this GameDev.tv post:
Standard Assets not available

An article is referenced to assist in the install and import of the Unity Starter Assets.

Can we have the link to this article?


The article is on Udemy. Unfortunately, we cannot link it.

In his article, Gary suggests to use Unity’s new Starter Assets. This one:

I have added Unity’s new Starter Assets and I am watching the video on how to use these assets. The video indicates there are tools to use in a ‘Tools’ menu item that I cannot find in Unity. This ‘Tools’ menu item is supposed to have utilities like ‘Re-install dependencies’ and ‘Reset First Person Controller’. Unfortunately, I cannot find this ‘Tools’ menu on Unity 2021.3.22f1. Any advice? Also, the set up of the PlayerCapsule seems to be completely different from the lecture video on the legacy ‘Standard Assets’ Any possibility of getting an updated video using the newer ‘Starter Assets’?

Do the following in Unity:

  1. Go to Edit > Project Settings.
  2. Click on Player in the left-hand menu.
  3. Scroll down to Other Settings > Configuration.
  4. Check that the Active Input Handling dropdown is set to Both.

Then do the following:

  1. Delete your MainCamera gameobject from your scene.
  2. In your Assets folder, navigate to StarterAssets > FirstPersonController > Prefabs.
  3. Drag the PlayerCapsule prefab into your scene and expand it to show the child GameObjects.
  4. Drag the MainCamera prefab into your scene and make it a child of the PlayerCapsule.
  5. Drag the PlayerFollowCamera into your scene and make it a child of the PlayerCameraRoot.

The rest should either work the same way or it is (hopefully) self-explanatory.

Let me how if this helped or if you got stuck somewhere. :slight_smile:

Thank you so much. This is most helpful along with the inclusion of the new section, “Unity Standard Assets Deprecated”.

Greatly appreciated!

Awesome! After I replied to you yesterday, I noticed that the article on Udemy is missing in our teachable course. I told our team about it, but I didn’t expect that they would be so fast. :slight_smile:

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