Unity Multiplayer Lobby UI

Hello everyone;
I have a question about my Multiplayer Game. I have added a total of 3 scenes (Game_Scene, Lobby_Scene, Menu_Scene) and I have also added these scenes to the NetworkManager component (Lobby_Scene Online and Menu_Scene Offline Scene) When the Host clicks the Start Button both players go to Game_Scene.

The problem is that when the client clicks the Join button in Menu_Scene the client goes to Lobby_Scene and the editor pauses the game and shows the following errors

-“Spawn scene object not found for 58C09684. Make sure that client and server use exactly the same project. This only happens if the hierarchy gets out of sync.”.

-“Could not spawn assetId=3f9e5fbe-e119-1944-3ba8-c43240baeab2 scene=58C09684 netId=2”

I click the pause button to continue and click the Start button in Lobby_Scene to start the game, the editor pauses the game again in the client and I have to click the pause button again to continue and finally I can play the game without any problem.

Here is my LobbyController Class.

public class LobbyController : NetworkBehaviour
string firstPlayerText = “”;
string secondPlayerText = “”;

[SerializeField] TMP_Text firstPlayer;
[SerializeField] TMP_Text secondPlayer;

private void Update()
    if (NetworkManager.singleton.numPlayers == 1)
        firstPlayerText = "Player 1 is ready";
        secondPlayerText = "Waiting For Player...";
    else if (NetworkManager.singleton.numPlayers == 2)
        firstPlayerText = "Player 1 is ready";
        secondPlayerText = "Player 2 is ready";


public void StartGame()

public void CmdStartGameOnTheServer()


Here is my MainMenu Class.

public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private TMP_InputField addressInput = null;

public void HostLobby()
public void Join()
    string address = addressInput.text;

    NetworkManager.singleton.networkAddress = address;


Here is the RTSNetworkmanager Class.

public class RTSNetworkManager : NetworkManager
public void StartGame()
if (numPlayers < 2) { return; }



Here some ss from My Game. I am using ParrelSyyc.

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