Unity Mobile Course Error

Hello GameDev.tv community, I’ve been having an issue with the one section in the Unity Mobile Game Dev course. After completing the course, I tried to build the game to my device, however it failed and this error started showing up in the console. I have tried YouTube tutorials on how to fix the issue, but have not been successful in my attempts. I have tried using the Mobile Dependencies Resolver, but it freezes and stays on 0% when I run it.

I’m sorry this one slipped under the radar, Blade.
This is a tricky one, and it may help to see the stack traces by clicking on each of the messages and looking at the bottom of the console.
A couple things to check, however. If you’re using Notifications, make sure that you are targeting the latest version of Android (leave it on Auto) and make sure your Minimum SDK is 19 for Unity 2019 and lower, and 21 (I think) for the later versions.

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