Unity crash problem


Recently I reinstalled my Windows 10 and got a problem while using Unity. I know there’s a lot of people here and I can’t be the only one having this.

Basically when I create a new project, unity launches as it should. After that it gives me an error which says

“Unity has stopped working, We will try to find a fix for the crash please wait…”
“Status: There is not fix available. Please report the bug.”

So after I close the error message, I go back to unity hub try to launch the project again so it’s
A) Shows that the path is unavailable.
B) The unity version assosiated doesn’t exist on this machine, reinstall unity editor and try again.

I tried reinstalling everything like 5 times : Unity, Visual Studio, Unity Hub and still the same. I really need your help. If someone has a salution please let me know!


I saw people saying launch unity from scenes project files, but the project isin’t finished creating so I don’t have any files.

Please if someone knows how to fix it let me know. I appreciate all the help! have a good day



Click on “Select a version” and try to select a version. Also try to launch Unity Hub with administrator rights.


I tried it. Also didin’t worked…

This what it gives me, when I do that.

Check the Text 101 root folder. Maybe the project is there. Do not try to open a subfolder with Unity Hub. If in doubt, share a screenshot of the content of both Text 101 folders.

I checked the folder. here’s what I got

I’d like to see the content of this folder:


The Temp folder is a subfolder.

And now open the highlighted Text 101 folder. Not any subfolder in it.

As it seems, there is no project. All required folders are missing. Only the Temp folder exists.

Did you delete the project at some point? If so, check your Windows recycle bin.

If not, delete the Text 101 folder(s) and create a new project.

Maybe it has something to do with the Windows reinstallation? Because before that it was working like it should.

Also. I deleted the folders created a new project and here’s what I’ve got: image

Still the same…

Delete the folder again if one was created, and reboot your computer. Maybe Unity is running in the background messing around with your folders. Once your computer rebooted, check if you have enough free space on C:. If there is enough space, launch Unity Hub with administration rights and try to create a new project. Create the project in “Ucademy Learning”, not inside a folder which might be a Unity project folder.

If nothing helps, I would suggest to repair the Windows installation. Maybe something went wrong during the installation. That happens from time to time.

I tried it. Still the same. I’ll go ahead and repair the Windows installation.

Thanks so much for your time, have a great day!

Quick update. I ran an another upade. Fixing the windows and it helped! Unity is now working as good as it should. I’ll go ahead and mark the message as a solution. Thank you so much again, Nina, and have a great day! Appreciate the help!

I’m glad updating helped. Enjoy the course! :slight_smile:

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