Recently I reinstalled my Windows 10 and got a problem while using Unity. I know there’s a lot of people here and I can’t be the only one having this.
Basically when I create a new project, unity launches as it should. After that it gives me an error which says
“Unity has stopped working, We will try to find a fix for the crash please wait…”
“Status: There is not fix available. Please report the bug.”
So after I close the error message, I go back to unity hub try to launch the project again so it’s
A) Shows that the path is unavailable.
B) The unity version assosiated doesn’t exist on this machine, reinstall unity editor and try again.
I tried reinstalling everything like 5 times : Unity, Visual Studio, Unity Hub and still the same. I really need your help. If someone has a salution please let me know!
I saw people saying launch unity from scenes project files, but the project isin’t finished creating so I don’t have any files.
Please if someone knows how to fix it let me know. I appreciate all the help! have a good day