Unity: can see collision wireframes in Game screen but nothing else

Doing the Strategy Game Course. I can’t see scene objects in game mode (and never have been able to) when I hit “play”. I’m pretty sure the camera is facing correctly as I run “Align to View” and I can see the wireframes of some objects.

I’ve checked:

  1. layers: everything is in default layer
  2. Hidden objects: nothing is set to hidden AFAIK
  3. Camera is facing correctly

The tutorial had me mess around with global volume and post processing in an early slide, and it uses URP.

I can’t figure out why I can’t see any game objects in Game mode.

See screenshot, if I select the objects the wireframes show up

Can you share some screenshots? It would help

ok I added one, let me know what else I could share that would be helpful, I’ve reached the part of the class where I need to actually select characters, which is going to be pretty tough if I can’t see them, heh

OK, That’s not the wireframe that you are seeing, it’s the colliders.

I can’t really see from this why it would do that. Have a look at the camera in the inspector. Check that the Rendering -> Culling Mask is not set to Nothing

its set to everything

OK, I installed the same version of Unity you are using and created a blank project. This problem occurred immediately so give me a few minutes to troubleshoot and I’ll get back to you

There appears to be a problem with the URP for this version. I went into the quality settings (Edit -> Project Settings... -> Quality) and changed from ‘High Fidelity’ to ‘Balanced’ and it fixed the problem. But I wanted to see why this was broken so I was matching single values one by one until I found the culprit. It’s the Anti-Aliasing. If you find your High Fidelity asset, you will find ‘Anti Aliasing (MSAA)’ under the Quality tab. It’s set to 4x by default, but if you set it to ‘Disabled’ it should fix your problem.

Thank you so much, this fixed it (of course now there’s no anti aliasing, but I think there’s two places where anti aliasing is considered so I’ll look for the other).

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