Unity Account

now on the lesson on how to install unity, Ben does not talk about the fact that we have to create an account with unity. after unity finished installing and i started the program instead of the main screen of unity i get a screen that says Unity-Activation. and its prompting me to create an account. now did i download the right unity or do i just need to create an account for me to access unity? i just dont want to have the wrong unity :slight_smile:

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Hi @Carlos_Munoz, simply create yourself a Unity account, it won’t do any harm and they will send you periodic emails when there are updates and also when they have discounts / deals on in their Asset Store (quite useful).

When you launch Unity you’ll be prompted to login, just enter your account details and that’s it, you’re away :slight_smile: I should add, I believe this is only mandatory the first time you launch it, for it to activate, after that logging in isn’t necessary but I’ve not had any problems in doing so myself.

On my PC I have to re-enter these details from time to time, but that maybe my Norton Anti-Virus wiping out temp files / cache and so on - haven’t really been that worried about it yet to check it out.

yes i understand thats what i figured too i just wanted to make sure. alright thank you very much :thumbsup:

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More than welcome…

Here’s some info from the official website too :slight_smile:

also, which edition are we using for the course?
1.- Unity Professional Edition
2.- Unity Personal Edition

I would recommend using the Personal Edition initially, it’s free, unless games you create have a significant turnover. The Professional Edition has a cost associated with it.

Details can be found here. :slight_smile:

thank you for your help.

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No problem Carlos, any time :slight_smile:

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